Interview: INFOWIND News

I had the opportunity to sit down and have a chat with Chip Peterson over at INFOWIND News. We discussed a number of things including my career with the NYPD, my response to the September 11th terror attack at the World Trade Center, politics and my career as an author. I hope you enjoy it.

September 11th – Yes, they have FORGOTTEN

Update – I wish I didn’t have to write this update, but I do.

As a mystery author, I often include salacious political twists in my storylines, but I am finding that sometimes art doesn’t come close to matching the twisted machinations of what goes on in the back rooms of Washington, D.C.

Back in October 2018, I wrote a post titled: NEVER FORGET THE HEROES. It dealt with the need of Congress to address the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Act (S. 3591 / H.R. 7062), which is scheduled to run out of money in 2020.

If you are like me, you have to wonder why programs such as this are always facing financial peril, yet we never seem to run out of money to fund pressing issues like spending $15 million to study the effectiveness of golf equipment in space or a $43 million gas station in Afghanistan.  Hell, I recall reading one report where the Department of Defense purchased, and then left unused, approximately 270,000 commercial airline tickets at a total cost of $100 million. To compound the problem, the bean-counters over at the Pentagon never bothered to get a refund for the fully refundable tickets. Of course they didn’t and why should they? It is a clear case of: OPM – Other People’s Money, namely YOURS.

If Americans spent just one afternoon casually perusing the voluminous articles there are on wasteful congressional (and overall governmental) spending, Washington D.C. would be a charred, barren wasteland by morning. Yet, when it comes to funding a bill that would provide compensation and medical coverage for the victims of the deadliest terror attack in United States history, the congress seems to have a really hard time trying to find the money. But how much money are we talking about?

Well, the last re-authorization of the bill, in 2015, allocated just under $5 billion to fund it till 2020. Now, this might sound like a lot of money, and it is, except for when you consider some other interesting spending  facts. In 2016, the last full fiscal year analyzed, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) determined that the United States provided roughly $49 billion in foreign aid. So in just one year we provided nearly 10x the funding to foreign nations than we allocated to caring for our sick and dying first responders.  Yet even this staggering amount of $49 billion in foreign aid still only accounted for about 1.2 percent of the total annual federal budget.

If you think this is bad, consider the following.

Afghanistan, the country from where 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden orchestrated the terror attacks has received the following funding since 2001:

2001 - $92 million

2002 – $508 million

2003 – $984 million

2004 – $1.9 billion

2005 – $1.7 billion

2006 – $3.4 billion

2007 – $4.9 billion

2008 – $8.3 billion

2009 – $8.6 billion

2010 – $7.8 billion

2011 – $11 billion

2012 – $10 billion

2013 – $10 billion

2014 – $7.1 billion

2015 – $9.1 billion

2016 – $4.2 billion

2017 – $4.9 billion

(Source: USAID disbursements)

For those mathematically inclined, that is nearly $100 billion in funding to the very same country from which the attack was planned. Now you can see why many of the victims feel as if we are being left alone to die. Victims have to beg for funding while money is being thrown hand over fist at our attacker. Hell, we even have to BEG for support from our own elected representatives; which brings me right back to my original post.

In October 2018, I reached out to my congressional representative, Rodney Davis (R-IL), through his official government website and asked him to co-sponsor H.R. 7062. It seemed like a no-brainer to me, since he actually represents a first responder who was directly impacted by the attack. I contacted him and I waited…… and I waited. In the three months since, my wife has contacted his office twice and received correspondence from his office.

Me? Not so much.

I guess an NYPD 9/11 survivor with cancer doesn’t merit a stamp.

Perhaps I am better off. The form-letter version I received from him, the last time around, pretty much made my blood boil.

Rodney has spoken out in the past about the attack, but, just like other politicians, he only seems to #NeverForget when the cameras are rolling. Unfortunately, I #REMEMBER every single day. Something else I will remember is Election Day 2020 and I will do my utmost, to remind everyone I know in the 13th Congressional District, to send a message to Rep. Davis. In fact, I still have a few local reporters on my speed-dial and I am sure they would love to do a timely piece.

To find out if your elected representatives have supported 9/11 victims, please visit the following link:

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Merry Christmas 2018 !!

I just wanted to take a moment to extend my sincere best wishes to everyone and my hope is that you will all have a happy & very blessed Christmas, as well as a safe & prosperous New Year.

At this time of year we all tend to be focused on shopping and the hustle & bustle surrounding Christmas, but I think it is very important to take a moment and focus on what is truly important.

At this time last year I was dealing with the diagnosis that I had cancer. Certainly not what anyone wants to hear, but within a matter of days I would also learn that I had lost my old partner, Paul Murphy, to this insidious disease. Most people would be rocked by the news, but in a way it was very cathartic for me. My diagnosis allowed me to stop for a moment and deeply consider things I had always taken for granted. One of those things was my relationship with Christ.

For several years I had been toiling, unsuccessfully I might add, at writing a book entitled: Where Was God? Suddenly, my diagnosis created a sense of urgency in addressing this, but what started out as a question of where God was on 9/11, soon turned into my investigation if there even was a God.

The very nature of this topic was daunting, but I opened my heart, as well as my mind, to the task. It is nice to ‘believe’ in something, but if that belief is predicated on a fallacy than what is the point? Who’s benefit does it serve? As someone once said: “I’m an investigator, I search for facts, I don’t ‘create’ them.”

When I was finished, I was satisfied that I had explored things to their proper conclusion and I was ready to present it to the reader; the same way an investigator passes a case along to the prosecutor. What I found particularly interesting was that one of the responses I received was from an actual attorney. He wrote in part, “Early in my journey with God I read ‘The Case for Christ’ [Strobel] and I was disappointed. It was not persuasive and frankly left more food for the cynic in me. Your book felt like a real case for Christ, as if a seasoned trial lawyer was putting on a case.”

The reality is, as we come face to face with our own mortality, we all begin to question what we believe in. Beyond the twinkling lights, and the festive decorations on the tree, is the real Reason for this Season: Jesus Christ.

We have all ‘heard’ the story about the innocent little baby, born in a humble manger, who would soon change the entire world, but was it just a story or was it real? The answer, based upon my investigation, is a resounding: YES.

The real Christmas gift is that Jesus came into this world to save us.

This Christmas I ask you to take pause amidst the holiday chaos, and give thanks for the gift of Eternal Life.

Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

No matter what you are going through, God is Always Faithful.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God bless you all,

Please remember to sign-up for my FREE monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest information.


My 2018 Christmas Gift To You

When you give the gift of reading, you give the gift of wonder.

Growing up, I always had a book nearby. Whether it was science fiction by Frank Herbert or a police procedural by Joe Wambaugh, I enjoyed the experience of being immersed in another world. It is one of the reasons I enjoy writing.

This Christmas, I am making my debut novel, Perfect Pawn, available on the Amazon Kindle e-Book platform for only $.99.

Starting December 24th, 2018 (8 a.m. PST) and running through December 31st, 2018 (12 a.m. PST) you can dive head first into the world of James Maguire, a former U.S. Navy SEAL and retired NYPD detective.

This page turning literary roller-coaster ride will take you from the concrete jungle of New York City to the idyllic mountains of upstate New York and beyond.

This Christmas, give yourself a gift that the only regret you’ll have is why you didn’t read it sooner.

Don’t forget to sign up for my FREE monthly NEWSLETTER.

Radio Interview: Your Book, Your Business, Your Brand w/ Daria Anne

I recently had the opportunity to do an interview with the incredible Daria Anne on her show: ‘Your Book, Your Brand, Your Business’ which aired on iHeart Radio Network.

We had a great time discussing my books, the general topic of mystery novels, as well as some of the perils and pitfalls of the publishing industry. I was also happy to answer some listener questions.

The episode is available by following the link below:

Interview with Former NYPD Cop and Author Andrew Nelson

Please remember to sign-up for my FREE monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest information.