The Killing Game (New Release)

Well, as promised, the latest Alex Taylor novel: The Killing Game has just been submitted to Amazon and should be available as an e-Book in the Kindle store shortly. As soon as it is, I will add a link to the page for you to find.

Now begins the process of formatting and cover design for the print version which should be available within a few weeks.

Thank you once again for your patience during this process and for your continued support.

Alex Taylor: The Killing Game (Cover Reveal)

Well, I know you guys have been more than patient with me and I promise that the end truly is near this time. The Killing Game, the fourth book in the Alex Taylor series, is about to be released.

The hardest part in this journey has been the fact that there was such a long pause from the start of the book, back in January 2021, to its completion. Not to make excuses, but a large part of 2021 involved extensive repairs on a home we were selling. The constant start / stop in the writing process gave the book a choppy feeling that I was ultimately unhappy with. So I set out to re-write it and I have finally achieved a book that I am pleased to release.

The Killing Game finds Alex being called in to assist the Concord Police Department in their investigation of a series of murders: Six women, all from different walks of life, found dead over a ten-month period, with no other clues except the manner in which they were killed. As she pursues the killer, Alex must juggle personal issues at home and overcome the political pressure that threatens to derail the investigation before it gets started. Can she convince the locals to follow the evidence, and avoid a seventh victim, or will they succumb to the bureaucratic roadblocks in order to save their careers?

The Killing Game by Andrew G. Nelson

Are you on BookBub?

Curious to know which of my followers is on BookBub. If you are, I would appreciate it if you would add me to your following list. It’s another platform that I use to notify readers of new books and also give book reviews.

You can find me by clicking on this link: Andrew G. Nelson BookBub Page

Thank you.

Happy New Year 2022

I just wanted to take this opportunity to extend my sincere best wishes for a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year 2022. I know many have been dealing with a lot of issues, myself included, but as we turn the page on 2021, let us re-focus and make 2022 the best we can.

Thank you for your continued support and I hope to release information shortly on my latest Alex Taylor novel.

NYPD Cold Case Anthology (Print) - Update

It’s been a while since I posted and I apologize for that. I was in the middle of a house remodel and have been working on the next installment in the Alex Taylor series. It is my hope that I will be able to release this new book before the end of the year.

It took some time, but it appears that the pricing issue surrounding the print version of the NYPD Cold Case Anthology has been resolved. The correct price of $10.99 now appears on the amazon website. If you would like to order this, you can click: ORDER HERE

This book features all three books in the Detective Angelo Antonucci series:

The Katherine White Murder - Case #13-098

The Rosary Bead Murders - Case #14-102

The Crazy 8 Cowboys - Case #15-003

Thank you for your patience while this matter was addressed.