RIP Indie (2008-2021)

Last night we made the hardest decision any pet parent can make, we had to put our beloved cat, Indie, to sleep. Her death comes almost a year after the death of our dog, Jax.

Indie’s death was sudden and heartbreaking. Last night we found her on our back deck in respiratory distress. We rushed her to the animal hospital and they determined that she had a PTE that went to her lung and caused failure. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do to save her. Seeing our loving baby in so much pain was heart wrenching. We held her as we made the decision to end her suffering.

Indie was our oldest and dearest cat. She came to us from the shelter as a kitten and was named by our daughter for Independence (a very long story). She was the ‘Mama’ to all our other cats and to say she was the sweetest would not do her justice.

I take comfort in knowing she is with Jax, who she loved and often laid with., on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

Our hearts are just completely broken.
