Winter 2019 – Update

Where have I been? It’s a question I often ask myself these days.

If you’re like me, this time of year can be quite hectic on the best of days, but being an author means that you have even more going on.

So far this Fall / Winter season I have done a complete re-edit of my debut novel, Perfect Pawn. I’d taken a hard look at it and decided that, since I have grown as a writer, I needed to focus on making it the best it could be. I believe the current edition meets those requirements without taking away from the overall story-line.

Since then, I have kept busy. I’ve completed the re-edits on the follow-up book, Queen’s Gambit, and hope to have that re-released later this month or the early part of January 2020. I’m also currently re-editing the first Alex Taylor novel, Small Town Secrets, and hope to have a re-launch of that book with a new cover.

I also decided to write a new book. This one marks my journey into a new genre: Supernatural, but I haven’t completely abandoned my origins. I took an idea and weaved it into a police procedural/mystery story. It was fun crafting the story-line, and I believe readers of both genres will find something to enjoy. At this time I am shooting for a release date in early 2020.

Speaking of 2020, with the release of the 5th Maguire novel, Glass Castle, I will be starting work on the 4th Alex Taylor novel. I’ve been busy doing the outline and I have about 6 chapters already fleshed out.

So there you have it, the goings on in the chaotic world of this writer. I hope that all of you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I extend my best wishes for a blessed Christmas.

See you in the New Year!

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The release date for the latest James Maguire NYPD novel: GLASS CASTLE, is officially set for Friday, August 23rd,  2019.

The pre-order option is now available on my Amazon webpage.

If you haven’t had the chance to catch up on the series you still have plenty of time. All my books are available over at Amazon.

GLASS CASTLE picks up nearly a year after Knight Fall (and roughly 6 months since Brooklyn Bounce, for those reading my books in order). Maguire has grudgingly accepted his new role as NYPD Police Commissioner, but soon finds himself questioning his decision when he is thrust into the middle of an investigation that threatens the very underpinnings of the city. As the case heats up, Maguire soon finds himself wondering who he can trust and reaching out to his past for help, but will that help come at a price?

If you are looking to sink your teeth into a great police procedural series, and would like to find out the order in which to read them, you can find the chronological listing HERE.

I want to thank all of you who have been so patient with this process; I know that it took a long time and I hope that you will enjoy the latest continuation of the Maguire series.

Please remember to sign-up for my FREE monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest information.


GLASS CASTLE - Cover Reveal


When a young woman is found dead in her Midtown Manhattan apartment, all signs point to a tragic suicide, but the detectives of the NYPD have grown accustomed to the fact that things are rarely what they appear to be. The trail of clues leads them into a world of sex, lies and politics.

James Maguire has grudgingly accepted his new role as NYPD Police Commissioner, but soon finds himself questioning his decision when he is thrust into the middle of an investigation that threatens the very underpinnings of the city. While Maguire treads carefully through the political minefield, his fiancée, Melody Anderson, is facing her own dilemma; a job offer from Eliza Cook, the woman that many believe will be the next President of the United States.

As the investigation heats up, Maguire soon finds himself wondering who he can trust and reaching out to his past for help, but will that help come at too high of a personal price?

Please remember to sign-up for my FREE monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest information.


Hallelujah and Start the Presses!!

Well, maybe we can just go ahead and get the presses warmed up!!

I’m proud to announce that I have completed the latest James Maguire novel which is titled: Glass Castle. It has gone to editing and I am in the process of creating the cover artwork.

I want to thank all of you who have been so patient with this process; I know that it took a long time and I hope that you will enjoy the latest continuation of the Maguire series.

I actually started writing Glass Castle back in March 2018, but things got a bit sidetracked while I was convalescing after my surgery last year. If you have ever taken a protracted break from anything, you know that getting back into the groove is not always easy and this is especially true for the ‘creative’ process. That being said, I’ve been working hard to get this book finished in time form a summer release.

Fittingly, Glass Castle picks up nearly a year after Knight Fall (and roughly 6 months since Brooklyn Bounce, for those reading my books in order). Maguire has grudgingly accepted his new role as Police Commissioner, but soon finds himself questioning his decision when he is thrust into the middle of an investigation that threatens the very underpinnings of the city. As the case heats up, Maguire soon finds himself wondering who he can trust and reaching out to his past for help, but will that help come at a price?

Please remember to sign-up for my FREE monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest information.