Corona Virus Quarantine – Day:……. Who Knows?

Well, I got up today and realized it’s the 67th day of Femarpril, or whatever the hell month we are in right now, and it has been about two months since I posted my last blog entry.  I figured now was as good a time as any to let you know that I am alive and well, having survived the great toilet paper skirmish of 2020.

These last few weeks have proved to be an eye opening experience for me, as I have learned that my lifestyle apparently has a name: Self Quarantining. Who knew? I also realize that with the number of people posting photos of their alcohol supply, and having gone through just about every Netflix show in existence, I have a feeling that the wild nights of quarantine are going to be replaced with the raucous sound of babies crying in December. Introducing the next defined baby group: Coronials!!

One benefit of being an author is that we create our own little worlds, so if the one we are living in isn’t working for us, then we just move on. I’ve spent the last few months re-editing & re-publishing some previous novels: Perfect Pawn, Queen’s Gambit, Small Town Secrets (which also got a new cover re-design), Bishop’s Gate, Cold Case: The Katherine White Murder, and have Little Boy Lost in final review. I’m gradually making my way through my old backlist to polish up my prior books.  My goal is to give the reader the best possible product for them to enjoy.

Along the way, I’ve written a new novel which I hope to get out this summer. I’d hoped to release it in winter 2019, but there was just something missing and I didn’t want to force it. I’ve also penned an outline for a new Angelo Antonucci Cold Case novella and the outline for the next Alex Taylor novel.

So that’s what has been happening on my home front. I truly wish you all the best during this chaotic and uncertain time. Just remember, nothing lasts forever and each day is one day closer to the end of this nightmare. Until then, sit back, grab something to drink, and enjoy a good book. Chances are it will be a better world than the one we are living in right now.

Please remember to sign-up for my FREE Newsletter to stay up to date on all the latest information.

Best wishes, Stay Safe, & God Bless.
